Who We Are?

NFTizer is a Web 3 development studio focusing on building Decentralized Applications, combined with technical guidance, consultancy, and development work, related to the Non-Fungible Token ecosystem.

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Let's build something big together!

Created and empowered by MVP Workshop venture hub – Blockchain pioneers, and natives in the Web 3 community, NFTizer aims to complement the NFT space with fresh ideas and become a valuable partner for all who want to step into the world of NFTs. We are your partner in brainstorming sessions about exciting ideas which could yield market value.

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Beliefs & Values

We believe that NFTs will bring the next 100M users to the Web3 space and take an important role in crypto mass adoption. Through all these years, we have been active on the Web 3 scene; we have gained various experiences and acquired considerable skills starting from Software Engineering over the Product Management and Design, all the way to Business Development and Marketing

NFT Domains We Covered

Who’s with us


We are collaborating with well-known Art Galleries and Art communities on the projects involving them in the NFT world leveraged by technologies we bring.

How to mint? Which marketplace to choose? How to distribute NFT? How can artists monetize their work? These are just some of the questions we are ready to answer and come to you with a plan.


The new reality – how they like to say, comes to us with an NFTs playground. Everything created in Metaverse will have proof of ownership, and that is where NFTs meet Virtual World. We have already divided ourselves into projects related to the Fashion industry- building 2D and 3D models, Fashion week attendance, listing the models on the marketplace, but this is just the beginning of the story. The Metaverse will allow people to showcase digital forms of art and property, and NFT will enable them to put a price on that content with proof of ownership.

How to incorporate all of these together? Ask NFtizer.


NFTs have become, over time, an essential factor in creating the DeFi ecosystem. Stereotypes that NFTs are just art and collectibles representing tokens are no longer something the community talks about because their utility goes beyond. Exploring connections between NFTs and Defi took us to research and develop different financial protocols based on NFTs as potential financial instruments. Discovering the proper tooling for NFT price estimation is one of the most challenging topics that revelation could lead DeFi growth into a new perspective. 


How We Do It

Our Tech Stack

We are blockchain agnostic and always open to exploring new technologies, but so far our smart contract deployment mostly comes together with Ethereum and Polygon Network. Tech Stack for Solidity smart contracts contains:

Open Zeppelin
Open Zeppelin

Our contracts are developed using test-driven development concepts with regular code reviews and git-flow to manage our code repositories. We have also majored in various development tools for Ethereum based projects like:



The Game Changers

NFTizer team is a group of like-minded professionals with various backgrounds. Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Product Managers, and Designers gained valuable skills through projects they worked on. We dived into exploring Web 3 technologies long before it became mainstream. We research, share ideas, and offer an innovative and viable solution. Empowered by the wire of external associates, we can respond to all NFT market requests.

Ivor Jugo
Stevan Bogosavljevic
Smart contract developer
Milos Bucevac
Product owner
Stanoje Radivojevic
Frontend developer
Oliver Music
Product designer
Petar Bogdanovic
Business developer